8 Weeks To Wellness®
You can't medicate your way out of a problem that you behaved your way into.
The health epidemic plaguing our world is overwhelming. That's why 8 Weeks to Wellness® is a vital program for people all around the world. 8 Weeks to Wellness® is a comprehensive wellness program that optimizes what people think about, how they eat and supplement, and how they exercise and care for their body through a specific, comprehensive 8-week program. Through the program we continue to consistently see drastic reductions in weight, body fat, blood pressure, blood glucose levels, cholesterol and other blood lipids, as well as waist and hip measurements.
So, how do you measure wellness?
Lack of symptoms or feeling good is not an effective barometer to measure your health.
That’s where the WELLNESS SCORE comes in. This is a scoring system developed to track and measure your physiology and function. It actually gives you a grade, A thru F. We measure what we call biomarkers of health.
BODY COMPOSITION: The ratio of muscle to fat on your body as well as where you carry fat is one of the most important predictors of aging. We help you gain muscle and lose fat, especially what is called visceral fat which is the fat deep in your belly.
FORWARD HEAD POSTURE: We measure your posture to see how far your head is moving out in front of your body. For every inch your head moves out in front of your body, it place tremendous stress on your spine and organs. A healthy body is a upright, well-aligned body.
CORE STRENGTH AND FLEXIBILITY: We’ll measure 8 different ways to test your strength and flexibility of your core muscles. We sit too much and it’s taking its toll on our bodies.
HbA1c: Hemoglobin A1c is a measurement of how much "glycation" is happened in your body. Sugar stiffens and ages your body and A1c is a reflection of how much that processing is happening. It is the main way that pre-diabetes and diabetes is diagnosed and it is one of the most important lab tests to know.
TRIGLYCERIDE/HDL RATIO: Knowing your ratio of triglycerides to HDL (good) Cholesterol will help you predict your risk of cardiovascular disease. It is a simple and yet powerful predictor of who will suffer and heart attack or stroke and who won't. We want to see this ratio below 2-3.
8 Weeks to Wellness ® is just that –
an eight-week program that focuses on health not sickness.
Our program encompasses all the fundamental wellness therapies and includes:
Complete Physical
Postural Analysis with FMS (functional movement screen)
Muscle vs. Fat Analysis using In-Body Technology
Complete Blood Workup and Spinal X-rays
Personalized Nutritional Program
Full Body Fitness Assessment
Daily Meditation Instruction
2 Chiropractic Adjustments each week
2 On-Site Personal Training Sessions each week
One hour Full Body Massage each week
Each day, you will enjoy 3 healthy meals plus two NutriDyn® shakes
MyZone Heart Rate Monitor and Exercise Tracking System
At the end of the program, you will be reassessed and provided with a copy of your evaluation and results – results that we know will speak for themselves. We consistently see drastic reductions in weight, body fat, blood pressure, blood glucose levels, cholesterol and other blood lipids, as well as waist and hip measurements. And of course, the participants are thrilled with their results. We know this program would be fantastic for you, too!